Sparkling Light. Solutions Provider.
Sparkling Light researches your business, with scientific methology, and provides a report, based on the research. The report let you know of problems within the subject fields specified by your company's request, and suggests quality improvements that can make your business more profitable.
Subject fields include marketing including recommendations and ideas for TV-commercials, radio commercials, printed media, internet and advertising gadgets. Further, SL researches technolgy areas, social relations of the employees, customer relations, image of the company, trademark, economy, organizations structure, company culture, reward incentives and punishment deterrents, kaizen - contineous improvements, competition situation, threats, possibilities, goals, expansion including business acquisitions and finally position and alternatives concerning your suppliers.
Main points
- Data acquisition
- Analysis
- Solutions suggestion of improvements
- Researches subject fields of your choice
- Produces written report
- Optional power point presentation
- If you are not content with the work, you don't have to pay
We also rent e-mail addresses from around 300 domainnames. Price is SEK 100 per year, e.g. . Just contact me and I will explain.